Saturday, March 5, 2016

Smackdown vs. Solitire: Redefining Reality In American Politics

I am sure I need not tell anyone that this is a Presidential Election year.  The evidence is everywhere and it is not pretty.  I am writing this within 24 hours of the most recent Republican Presidential Debate, hosted by Fox News.  Actually, I use the term “Debate” only out of respect for the system.  From what I have seen and heard and read it was more like a school yard brawl.  I could not actually watch the debate because my cable tv package does not include Fox News Channel.  I do not believe I missed anything of value. 
Honestly, this nation deserves better than what it was given last night.  The comments were misleading at best and downright false in many cases, according to every fact-check source I viewed.  Questions from the moderators were left unanswered as the candidates chose instead to make personal attacks on the character of their opponents - and this within the same political party!  Reason was replaced with vulgarity.  Seldom did the candidates directly address the pressing needs of this country.  They seemed to be of the opinion that they (the candidates) are much more important that any issue of national interest.  Perhaps they are correct.  After all, those on stage last night have thus far raised $243.4 million toward their campaigns.  That does not include the $388.5 million raised by the Republican candidates who have dropped out of the race.  (Makes one wonder what they did with the unspent balances in their war chest!)  That is a combined total of $631.9 million for the GOP candidates in this election alone!  Together with the $293.44 million raised by the Democrats for their candidates and we have an insane sum of $925.24 million wasted…for what?
[Note:  These figures were reported in the New York Times on February 22, 2016 and are based on numbers reported to the Federal Election Commission and the IRS.  They represent amounts donated through January 2016.  The figures include money raised by the candidates themselves and by Super-PAC’s supporting them.]
Before I go any further I must clarify that from what I could learn there was one candidate on stage last night who did not engage in the “smack down” approach that shamefully dominated the evening.  Gov. John Kasich appeared to sincerely want to avoid the childish behaviors of his peers and attempt to address serious topics.  Sadly it appeared he was playing a game of solitaire while his opponents were rolling in the mud at the far corner of the school yard.
The Debate - or should I say the Debacle - yielded no winner.  The so-called big three - Trump, Cruz, & Rubio were the biggest losers, having lost their dignity and character.  As I said Kasich lost the chance to have a serious conversation because no one would play with him.  The RNC lost, too.  They are increasingly looking like they have absolutely no control over their own fate.  In fact, if things continue as they have been thus far, the GOP will lose not only the election but very likely their majority in the U. S. Senate.
We, the citizens of the United States, have also lost.  We have lost our moral and ethical standard that once demanded a sense of integrity, decency, and honor from our elected officials.  As I listen to the news analysts and read the opinion pages in the paper or on social media it becomes increasingly clear that far too many of us really do not give a rat’s tail for the values that we once held dear.  Like the Romans of old who flocked to the Coliseum to scream and incite themselves at the blood-drenched Gladiator fights, so we have become intoxicated by the foul rhetoric, the vulgarity, the disrespect that is set before us on stage.  We are numb to the lies and distortions madly thrown across the podiums like lumps of coal cast into a furnace, building a fire of self-destruction that will consume us all if we do not awaken from this political trance.
               I will freely admit that I am “old school” in many ways.  For example, I have no time for “Reality Television”.  It is cheap, degrading, and meaningless.  It preys on the ego and pride of so-called contestants.  I would even go so far as to suggest that reality tv is infiltrating these same negative characteristics into American society.  More accurately, I suppose these characteristics have always been present in the populace but reality tv is granting them permission to go public.  It encourages people to be “real”, that is, to express their anger, hostility, pride, and greed for all to see.  Those who are more expressive, more intense, more flamboyant are the ones who are deemed the stars of the show.
               Sound familiar?  I see a strong parallel with the Republican Presidential race.  Perhaps that is what happens when you let a tv reality personality enter the race and take center stage.  The result is a lack of any serious discussion that seeks a mature response to the issues of the day.  Issues-centered discussions are boring and predictable.  They do not draw attention to the egos on stage.  Neither do they draw ratings for the network that has invested time and money to host the debate.  Therefore, like the rest of society, we have sacrificed our dignity by promoting a raucous rumble.  We have replaced politics with entertainment.  Perhaps this is the only explanation why the Master Entertainer, Donald Trump, is leading the delegate count so far.  And that guy who is playing solitaire while he waits for a chance to speak intelligently remains in last pace.

by G. D. Gehr   March 4, 2016


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