Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Liability of Labels

For some time now I have subscribed to an online forum that is intended to provide a venue for discussing issues and concerns that relate to the Christian denomination to which I belong. In the past year I have noticed a sharp increase in the use of labels by the contributors to this forum. Lines seem to be drawn between "us" and "them". The lines are being defined by the labels assigned to individuals. This has caused considerable unrest within me as I sit by and observe divisions and rifts developing among the people I consider to be my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Pacifism; Nonresistance; Liberal; Conservative; Evangelical; Anabaptist; Pietist. It is interesting how these and other labels have shaped our way of looking at others. They each have some value in helping us understand each other, perhaps. They each may also limit our understanding to the extent that they cause us to presume certain suppositions about an individual that may or may not be accurate.

Interestingly, none of the labels I listed above appear in the New Testament except for the word "liberal". However, that is only used as an adjective to describe non-human things, and then only once or twice, depending on the version of the Bible you are using.

As Christians we are, by definition, followers of Jesus Christ. My Church tradition claims to be a New Testament Church. I understand this to mean that we base our thinking and our practice on the teachings found in the New Testament, the Christian scripture. As a New Testament Church we may do well to use fewer labels and look at people through the eyes of our Master.

This has implications that extend far beyond one Christian denomination. Wherever people deal with other people, whether the context be faith-based, political, or social, there is a temptation to dehumanize those we do not agree with by placing them in a box that is secured by a label. In reality, however, my experience is that no one fits perfectly in any single box. Rather, we humans have a tendency to be so multi-faceted that no single box can contain us! Herein is found the liability of labels when they are applied to people.

I must confess I have considerable growth to realize in this area. I pray I will remain open to God's guidance as I seek to look at people individually and not as perceived through the limited vision of labels.

- gdg
October 1, 2011
Comments welcomed in response to this or any post found on Peace-Ability.

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