Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Iced Tea Party

Since the recent mid-term elections of 2010 the Tea Party movement has been gaining a lot of publicity.  There is no denying the influence this political phenomenon has made in Washington and in State Legislatures across the land.  Many Christians have eagerly jumped on the Tea Party bandwagon.  But have they looked before they lept?

The Tea Party is a conservative element within the Republican Party.  According to the web site they see themselves as "a grassroots movement that calls awareness to any issue that challenges the security, sovereignty or domestic tranquility of our beloved nation, the United States of America.  From our founding the Tea Party is the voice of the true owners of the United States, WE THE PEOPLE..."

Well, I want to go on record as saying that the Tea Party does NOT represent MY voice!

For the next two years we will be forced to listen to the proposals and the ideology of this right wing element within the right wing sector of the Republican Party.  Those views include some questionable points.  Fifteen issues or positions are identified on their web site.  These include the following.
  • Illegal aliens are here illegally
  • Pro-domestic employment is indespensable
  • Stronger military is essential
  • Special interests eliminated
  • Gun ownership is sacred
  • Government must be downsized
  • National budget must be balanced
  • Deficit spending will end
  • Bail-out and Stimulus plans are illegal
  • Reduce personal income taxes a must
  • Reduce business income taxes is mandatory
  • Political offices available to average citizens
  • Intrusive government stopped
  • English as core language is required
  • Traditional family values are encouraged
That's a pretty bold list.  Of course, one can be bold when one is in the minority and wants attention.  To that extent the plan has worked.  The Tea Party has indeed grabbed the attention of the American public.  And that includes me.  For this reason I would like to offer my take on some of these foundational points that shape the thinking of Tea Party enthusiasts.

First, let me say that they make some valid points.  However, I take issue with most of the items on this list.  Here are just a few observations and rebuttals.
  • Pro domestic employment is indispensable - Well, yes, I guess that's a no brainer!  If no one worked in this country we would have a real challenge on our hands.Now, of course, what they are really saying is let's ban NAFTA and all the other Trade Agreements that have resulted in American jobs going overseas.  But that's not what their rallying cry claims.  On the other hand, if it weren't for the greed of the American workers, who have insisted on ever-higher wages, most of thoes jobs would still be here.  Another factor is our fatal attraction to buying cheap.  I often marvel at how the multitudes are attracted to the big box stores and discount centers to buy the products that are offered at such low prices.  Why are the prices so low?  Because the products were made in foreign countries, frequently at the expense of child labor that we would never tolerate in the United States.  If the Tea Party wants to promote domestic employment why not organize a boycott of all products that are produced in foreign countries (except for those that are traded fairly through such vendors as SERRV and Ten Thousand Villages, to name only two)?
  • Stronger military is essential.  Oh dear, don't get me started!  Let me begin by saying this is not going to lead to a balanced budget, which is another item on the list.  The Defense Budget is already at sinful levels and the major reason why we have an unbalanced budget.  So here we are, in the final days of the occupation of Iraq, with a game plan for withdrwaing from Afghanistan, and the Tea Party want to invest more than ever into our military.  This, while they balance the budget.  The only way these two goals can be reconciled is to eliminate  virtually all social programs and lay off thousands upon thousands of government employees (as in another point: Government must be downsized).  The problem with this is the obvious skyrocketing effect on unemployment that such a layoff would bring.  Since we are going to balance the budget, however, we can't go on to offer very much in terms of unemployment compensation for these displaced workers.  As if this were not enough I must ask:  How strong does our military need to be?  We are already capable of destroying this planet several times over.  Do we seek the potential to destroy the entire solar system with the push of a button?  A stronger military does not make sense if we look at the whole picture.
  • Reduce personal and business income taxes with no room for compromise.  Here is another example of a contradictory statement when placed along side the one that says National budget must be balanced.  Again I emphasize that the only way both of these conditions are feasable is if the poor, the disabled, and the disenfranchised are to suffer immensely.  Remember, a balanced budget by definition means INCOME must equal EXPENSES.  Reduce the income drastically by lowering income taxes on citizens and businesses alike, and even more outlandish reductions must be made to expenses.  Translation:  The poor will become poorer and the voiceless shall be victimized!  Don't get me wrong, I am not opposed to a balanced budget.  As a former banker and as an quasi-intellegent man I see our unbalanced spending and National Debt as harbingers of horror in the not-too-distant future.  In fact I expect I will post another article on that topic soon.  Still, the means by which we balance the budget must be thoughtfully and wisely executed.  Otherwise we will certainly create our own demise.
  • Intrusive government stopped.  This one is almost comical.  First, who created the intrusive government?  Was it not the Bush Administration and the conservative Republican Party, which includes the Tea Partiers, who gave the FBI the authority to tap our phone lines and learn more about us that we know ourselves?  Now they are saying STOP!  I am always amused at how we rewrite history to fit our needs and our agendas.  Of course, the second objection to this point is the fact that we want to feel safe in this age of terror.  So while WE do not want to have our privacy compromised we certainly want to bad guys to be under close survelience at all times.  Hum, if only we knew who the bad guys were!!!
  • Gun ownership is sacred.  As an ordained minister I must object to the use of the term "sacred".  The connotation here is that owning a gun is a holy thing.  Somehow that just makes my hair curl - - I don't even have too many hairs to curl and the ones I do have are naturally curly!  "Sacred".  Are you kidding me?  If that is the case then all the tea-toting folks better start packing their sacred guns and taking them along to Church on Sunday morning!  You can rest assured, however, I won't be there!  Worshipping the Prince of Peace with a hand gun strapped to my body or neatly hidden in a purse has got to be the ultimate contradiction.  Even setting aside the concept of worship, this point offers nothing to the discussion of national security, budget struggles, economic hardship, or a sane society.  Why don't we just turn back the clocks to the 1800's and all ride a horse to get to work while we are at it.  At least that would have a positive impact on the environment, but then, environmental issues are noticably missing from this list.
At this point I have touched on nine of the fifteen planks on this shaky platform.  I have much more to say but will refrain for now.  I would like to comment for a moment on what is MISSING from this platform, however.  As pointed out above environmental issues are ignored.  Here are some others.
  • Energy concerns.  How are we to power this nation in the near future?
  • Care for the poor
  • Care and support for the disabled, including the physically disabled, behaviorally challenged,  mentally disabled and more.
  • The problem of drug and alcohol abuse
  • Education including, but not limited to, Special Education
  • Disaster relief work
  • Research for the fight against cancer, AIDS, developmental disabilities and more.
  • Health Care reform
I am thinking quickly here.  I am sure there are other issues that need to be addressed by a truly successful society.  Even the ones listed above need to be fleshed out.  But then, the Tea Party web site did not really flesh out their agenda, either.

Upon further reflection I might call my list the Iced Tea Party because I would like to address the "cold" reality that we have an obligation to care for and provide for the needs of others who can not provide for themselves.  Or perhaps I just want to put the Tea Party on ice!  Either way I stand in stark opposition to most of their views.

Oddly, the Tea Party agenda is extremely self serving and arrogant.  Rather than seeking a better nation and a better world this group seems only interested in providing for a select few, namely themselves.  Their agenda runs counter to the Call of Christ.  Jesus modeled for us a life of sacrifice and compassion.  He looked beyond the hoopla of politics and offered healing and hope to all who were in need.  I am convinced His Way deserves a closer examination if we are to straighten out the mess we are currently in, economically and especially socially.

Anyone care for an ice-cold, refreshing drink to ease the heat of misdirection?

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