Thursday, November 4, 2010


The airwaves are remarkably quiet and peaceful these days.  It feels like I've passed through some kind of time warp and landed in an alien society.  In reality, however, I realize it is all due to the fact that the 2010 Mid-Term Election is over!

All those repulsive campaign ads are finally laid to rest.  No longer will I be bombarded with half-truths and unsubstantiated claims about what a horrible leader the "opponent" has been or will prove to be.  No longer will I hear the empty, self-serving lies about taxes, deficit spending, Social Security benefits, the Health Care Reform Act, and so much more.  Best of all I do not need to look at those ugly, distorted black-and-white pictures of some wanna-be's opponent.  You know the ones, where the person looks like they just swallowed a fly!

I will admit that I am getting older and, perhaps, a bit less tolerant of showmanship and hyperbole.  But after taking a couple deep breathes to calm myself I would like to offer my personal "ELECTION REFLECTIONS", based on a few disturbing observations from this recent debacle.


NPR estimates at least $4 billion  was spent on the Election of 2010.  That is about $1 billion more than the last mid-term election of 2006 and only $1 billion less than the 2008 Presidential year election, which set a new record.

Four billion dollars.  Not very much compared to the Federal deficit ($1.42 trillion in fiscal year 2009).  But staggering, nonetheless, considering what it bought.  Did you notice how nearly every candidate spoke boldly about the way we need to reel in reckless spending and be more accountable with the use of money?  Yet they did not hesitate to spend like maniacs to promote their own campaign.  And as for accountability, where did all these obscure groups come from that paid for so many of the most offensive ads?  More importantly, where did their money come from?  We will never know, because they do not need to make full disclosure thanks to some handy loopholes in the campaign laws.

How could we be in such dire straights financially as a nation and still foot this bill without blinking an eyelash?  Four billion dollars worth of distortions and defamation could certainly have been put to better use, don't you think?  That's pretty expensive mud those folks are slinging!

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  (Philippians 4:8)"


For the third straight time we have seen one party take full power over the Executive and Legislative branches of the Federal government in a Presidential Election year only to lose control of Congress two years later.  The American electorate seems to have no idea what they want - - except CHANGE!  It would appear as if a vast majority of voters are simply swept along by the candidate and/or party that spends the most on negative ads, thus creating a spirit of unrest and dissension.

Perhaps the real issue here is the unrest and lack of patience that characterizes so many Americans.  We want what we want NOW!  When we elect someone to an office they better deliver the goods quickly because we will not wait for back orders.  Such expectations are unrealistic, but they drive our politics just the same.

"Be patient, bearing with one another in love.  Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.  (Ephesians 4: 2-3)"


Again, according to NPR, there were widespread reports of telephone campaigns targeting selected audiences for the purpose of eliminating their vote.  One such effort told elderly citizens that they could vote over the Internet or by phone to avoid long lines at the polls.  This, of course, was a lie.

Another tactic aimed at blacks in the cities claimed that if a person would vote straight Democratic ticket, the vote would not be counted.  Another lie.  Another lost vote.

Finally their were numerous self-appointed "watchdog" groups who claimed to hold vigil at the polling stations to guard against voter fraud.  In reality, many would-be voters reported that they were so intimidated by the presence of these people that they chose not to vote at all.  Such tactics must be renounced and removed from American politics.  Have we learned nothing in the past 150-plus years?

"So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance;  truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter.  Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey. The LORD looked and was displeased that there was no justice.  He saw that there was no one; he
    was appalled that there was no one to intervene;  (Isaiah 59:14-16)"


One nice thing about the past two months or so was the opportunity to be reacquainted with some of my old friends (whom I never met before!).  I received personal phone calls from the likes of Tom Ridge, Rudy Giuliani, Tom Corbett, Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin and more.  All these acted like my best friend.  These friends, Republicans all, told me why I had to vote Republican.  Funny, I never heard from them before and I seriously doubt I will hear from them again, though possibly they will look me up again in 2012.

In Conclusion:
I don't know what the solution is.  For all its faults - and there are many serious ones - it is still a rather good system.  However, there remains plenty of room for improvement and we can not be comfortable until we achieve it.
As you may have figured out by my use of scripture above I believe the best answer is to be well grounded in the Bible and if you vote, do so from a FAITH perspective and not a Party perspective.  In my humble opinion, to vote from a Faith perspective is not at all easy, for to do so we must put our personal agenda aside in favor of God's Agenda.  That will require a new look at the issues.  God is not always going to come down on the side of our wallets.    It also challenges us to realize that it isn't always about US.  In fact, it seldom is.  "To whom much is given, much will be expected."  We have indeed been blessed but not for our personal enjoyment.  We are blessed to be a blessing to others.  That seldom comes across in politics.  But then, politics is a concern of this world;  of the powers and principalities of this present darkness, as Paul would say.  We as Christians, on the other hand, maintain citizenship elsewhere - in heaven.  We are the people of God first and Americans somewhere down the line of priorities.  Thus we must heed the voice of Truth as revealed to us by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.

Are we willing to follow His Call wherever it may lead?

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