Saturday, December 21, 2019

An Open Letter to Sen. Toomey

Note:  the following letter was sent to Senator Pat Toomey on December 21, 2019 in reference to the Impeachment of President Donald Trump.

Dear Senator Toomey,

I write to you as an American who is deeply concerned for the future of America.  I truly fear we are on the verge of destruction.  I say this with a heavy heart and tremendous sorrow.  Allow me to explain.

I am a Christian pastor.  I have a very strong sense of right and wrong, of morality, ethical conduct, process and Truth.  I believe in being fair and providing justice.  I attempt to hear all sides of an argument before I make up my mind.  I have no delusions of superiority or perfection.  I am convinced that the only way we can succeed in life is to respect one another and work with each other for the common good.  “We the people…” is more than a phrase that sounds good.  It is the very fabric of our nation; our DNA.  This country lives and dies on the “we” because it is larger than the individual.  We are the UNITED States of America, which simply means there are times when we must put our personal agenda aside and do what is right.

For this very reason I beseech you to approach the impending Impeachment trial in the United States Senate with an open mind and a patriotic heart.  I am deeply troubled by the thought of this impeachment.  It is not good for our country, on the one hand.  However, more importantly, it is necessary for our future.  This is a time in history when we must decide once and for all who we are.  Do we stand for Truth?  Do we believe in Justice?  Can we put aside political identity in favor of national integrity?  We have reached a defining moment in history, one that will determine our very existence.

Politically I am registered non-partisan, or independent.  I refuse to identify as a Republican or a Democrat.  Rather I seek to hear both sides and reach my own conclusion.  Consequently, I want very much to hear from people like John Bolton, Mick Mulvaney, and anyone else who can add clarity to the facts surrounding the actions of President Trump.  Because the President has refused to allow these persons to testify thus far we remain uninformed and unable to draw any conclusions.  If, in fact, their testimony will prove the President’s innocence beyond any doubt they must testify.  It is the only way to put an end to this disturbing mark on our character.  On the other hand, if their testimony will prove his guilt we again need to hear it.  Let us settle this issue once and for all.

I urge you to do all you can to convince Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to agree to letting these key persons testify.  Furthermore, I plead with you to let the evidence – ALL of the evidence – enlighten your vote on the question of impeachment.  If you remain silent and complicit with Mr. McConnell’s stated intention to deny these voices and work hand in hand with President Trump’s wishes you will bear the responsibility for your actions.  You will go down in history as a weak, failed puppet who was manipulated and used by powerful – and possibly corrupt – associates.

A defendant cannot set the terms of his/her own trial.  That is absurd.  When Mr. McConnell says he is working with the accused to set up the trial he himself becomes a co-defendant.  He should resign his position and stand trial with the President.  That is the only reasonable conclusion.  I am shocked an intelligent person like you cannot see this.

You yourself have gone on record, according to your website, as saying the following.

"In a Senate trial, House impeachment managers should be permitted to make their case, and the president's lawyers should be able to make their defense. At the conclusion of these presentations, the Senate can then decide what further steps may be necessary."

If you believe this you will agree that witnesses must be allowed to testify.  Otherwise, House impeachment managers will not “be permitted to make their case,”  as you advocate, and you become just as partisan as the process you have denounced in the House of Representatives.

“We, the people” are better than this.  We must be.  For if we are not, then the American experiment is over and we are no different from the other despots, monarchs, dictators and empires of the world.

Speak to your colleagues.  Plead with your leadership.  Search your soul.  Let the American Justice system prevail so the world will know we are authentic and worth following.


George Douglas Gehr

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Greta Gets Her "Time"

She is sixteen years old, but she looks several years younger.

She is about 5 feet tall and usually wears her brown hair in braids.

She is focused, determined and uncompromising.

She appears to be unimpressed with fame and attention – whether it is her own or someone else’s.

And she has Asperger’s.

            Greta Thunberg is an amazing young woman.  Her mission is both simple and powerful.  She does not mince words as she issues her warning of eminent destruction from the dangers of climate change.  Greta has addressed the United Nations and met with Prime Ministers, Presidents and the Pope.  And now, Greta Thunberg has been named the 2019 Time Magazine Person of the Year.

            It is an honor that is well deserved.  In my opinion this Swedish teenager has displayed wisdom and courage way beyond her years.  But above all her message is desperately needed in this world.  Global warming is a genuine threat to our survival.  Most of us know it but have become a bit numb to it.  Perhaps it is because the problem seems too big to tackle.  Or maybe we are hoping that someone else will deal with it, if not in our generation then in the next.  Or the one after that.  However, as Greta Thunberg reminds us, it may be now or never.

            National Geographic reports some troubling facts.

·         Ice is melting across the globe.  For example, Glacier National Park in Montana had 150 glaciers in 1910.  Today it has 30 remaining.  The changes are even more dramatic at the polar caps.

·         Earth’s sea levels are rising by 0.13 inches per year.  This is the inevitable result of the melting ice.

·         Many species of life are migrating to different areas because of temperature changes, and in some cases they are nearing extinction as their ecosystems are disappearing.

·         Precipitation is becoming more erratic and extreme, with some areas receiving too much rain and others experiencing drought conditions.

I am no expert on climate change, and the list above is only a sampling.  But one

thing National Geographic makes clear is that our world is dependent upon a very delicate balance, and that balance is disrupted by environmental changes.  Each change for one specie or condition negatively affects multiple other life forms.

            Many of us just don’t let these facts sink in.  Maybe we are too concerned about our family finances, or our children’s education.  Some of us may be so invested in our jobs that we do not have time to be worried about such huge issues as climate change.  Besides, we reason it will take drastic measures by nations – not individuals – if anything will really make a difference.  But what we forget is that nations are made up of individuals.  And in order for nations to make a change the citizens must initiate it.  This is the essence of Greta’s message.

            I am so pleased that Time magazine chose to honor this amazing young lady.  She deserves it.  The cause for which she is fighting deserves it as well.  I suppose this is why I am so devastated that the President of the United States has chosen to act like a small child when Time revealed the 2019 recipient of this award.  73 year old Donald J. Trump, in a typical Trumpian Tantrum, lashed out at Greta Thunberg with wrath, name-calling, and disrespect.  It is no secret that Donnie wanted to be named Person of the Year by Time,  and since he wasn’t he had his little feelings hurt.  Consequently, he felt compelled to take it out on the one who did receive the honor.  How predictable!

            In doing so Donnie proved why he was not named Person of the Year.  73 year old men should not act like they are 7.3 years of age!  It only reveals how shallow and trivial they are.  Of course, this behavior should not surprise us.  Trump is always trying to belittle someone.  Not only is he a sore loser, but he embodies disrespect and dishonor.

            But this is not about Trump, thankfully!  This is about Greta.  It is about the climate crisis.  And it is also about Asperger’s and how Greta turned her disability into her ability.  Asperger’s Syndrome varies greatly from one individual to the next, and I admit that I am not familiar with just how it is manifested in Greta.  Generally, Asperger’s involves challenging social skills, hypersensitivities, and at times anxiety.  However, persons with Asperger’s often display a sharp focus and great attention to details.  Many learn to overcome their challenges by building on their strengths.  Or, as I like to say, utilizing their abilities to overcome their disabilities.  Greta Thunberg has done just that.  She is a wonderful example for everyone who lives with some form of disability (aka, all of us).  In this way she has proven that she deserves the Person of the Year award, both for her social activism and her personal triumph.

            We need more people like Greta Thunberg in this world – people who can focus on a problem and challenge all of us to work on solutions; people who are not afraid to speak Truth to Power; people who inspire rather than belittle; people who use their abilities for the common good.

George Douglas Gehr

December 15, 2019

For more information on Asperger’s Syndrome visit or