Monday, March 5, 2012

Only Fools 'Rush' In: An Attempt To Control This Culture of Criticism

I really do not like giving Rush Limbaugh any publicity whatsoever through my blog site.  I will make an exception this time, however.  Typically, Rush has nothing to say that is worthy of comment and now he has proven why.

The "conservative" radio talk show host has once again wandered into territories where "only fools 'Rush' in" and in doing so confirmed that he himself is the fool!  In case you somehow missed it, Mr. Limbaugh chose to verbally attack Sandra Fluke, a third year law student at Georgetown University.  House Democrats wanted to invite Ms. Fluke to testify on the Obama Administration's health insurance measure requiring all employers, including those affiliated with religious institutions, to provide birth control prescriptions.  Republicans controlling the House refused to allow her to testify, however.  In response, the Democrats provided her with a forum on February 23 while Congress was on break.  Only a few congressmen were in attendance, all Democrats.

According to the Associated Press, Ms. Fluke told of a friend who had an ovary removed because of the growth of cysts.  The surgery could have been avoided if she could have filled a prescription for birth control pills.  Georgetown University's student health plan would not cover the cost, an estimated $3,000 per year, because as a Jesuit institution it opposes the use of contraceptives.

After telling this story, Sandra Fluke faced the wrath of Rush.  "What does it say about the college coed who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex?  It makes her a slut, right?  It makes her a prostitute.  She wants to be paid to have sex," said Limbaugh.  He continued, "If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something for it.  We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch."

Is this what conservatism is about?  Referring to a young woman who has the courage to testify before Congress on behalf of her friend as a "slut" and a "prostitute" is in itself horrific.  But for Limbaugh to suggest that Fluke should produce the equivalent of pornographic videos for his pleasure crosses the line of all moral and ethical boundaries.  It may even be considered sexual harassment.  What a striking contradiction this represents for one who claims to be the voice and conscience of American Conservatism.

 Interestingly, Georgetown University President John DeGioia boldly issued a statement in support of Sandra Fluke and her right to speak out on this or any issue.  While the University as a Catholic institution opposes the use of contraception DeGioia acknowledge the right of all persons to respectfully disagree.  DeGioia went on to declare that Limbaugh was way out of bounds in his criticism.

I am most interested in this litany of events and comments for one basic reason.  Sandra Fluke has the right to take a stance and voice her thoughts, just as any American citizen does.  We may or may not agree with her.  We might even be a bit offended at what she stands for.  On the other hand we may find ourselves thinking "I wish I would have said that."  Either way, the issue I wish to speak to is the tone of dialog in this country.  We are becoming an increasingly polarized and aggressive nation.  Its true economically, as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and the middle class is quickly dissolving.  It is also true politically.  The Liberals and the Conservatives are drawing lines and strengthening their ranks.  The Moderates are fading into the sunset.  A perfect example is that of Mitt Romney.  There was a time when Romney was a moderate of moderates; a truly middle ground figure who could work with both sides of a debate.  As the endless Republican Primary continues to roll on, however, Romney is finding it far more advantageous for his candidacy to regurgitate the classic conservative clichés that he once carefully avoided, even if he nearly chokes as he says them.  Consequently, his campaign remains alive in spite of all the ferocious attacks from the Right.  First there was Michelle Bachman.  Then it was Rick Perry.  Then came Newt Gingrich, with the ever-present Ron Paul dancing in the shadows.  One by one the conservative champions rose to challenge Romney.  One by one they were beaten back with the club of wealth and organization - and a little assistance from the GOP Establishment, perhaps.  But now the former Governor of Massachusetts finds himself confronted by a formidable foe in the person of Rick Santorum.  Not that Santorum is such an ideal candidate, but rather the conservative, Right Wing element of the GOP has finally realized that to beat Romney they must narrow their options down to one candidate rather than 6.  Since Santorum has yet to be scrutinized on the national level and has essentially stood on the sidelines in the early debates, he was seen as their last hope.  Thus he earned the endorsement - official or otherwise - of the Tea Party, the Evangelicals, and all other Right-of-Center powers in a final showdown with the Moderate Romney.  Sensing the seriousness of the situation, Romney had decided to become a chameleon conservative.  That is, he has taken to using the jargon and the catch phrases that tickle the ears of all good political and social conservatives.  Is he genuinely changed?  Who knows.  Anything goes, it seems, in this unusual primary.

This culture of criticism has no boundaries, it would appear.  Santorum has raised questions concerning the sincerity of President Barak Obama's Christianity.  Santorum also has accused the President of adhering to a "phony theology", whatever that is supposed to mean.  Not to be outdone, popular evangelist Franklin Graham has joined the assault and labeled the President as a questionable Christian who, according to Muslim law, is actually a Muslim because his father was a Muslim.  Graham went on to say that in contrast Santorum was a true Christian because "his values are so clear on moral issues".  Oh really?  Do those moral issues include slandering elected officials and questioning the salvation of fellow Christians based on a differing political agenda?  Does the arrogance and pride demonstrated by Santorum exemplify the Fruit of the Holy Spirit that is to characterize a Christian's witness (see Galatians 5:19 - 26)?

Only after facing huge opposition from many, including the NAACP, did Graham offer a weak and limited apology for his insensitive remarks.  But it says here that it was too little, too late.  Franklin Graham, like his father, Billy, before him, has again discredited his testimony on behalf of Jesus and the Body of Christ by venturing into the murky waters of political propaganda.  He has carried on the family tradition of starting with a political agenda and then casting it in biblical language to impress the masses.  The result is a misrepresentation of biblical Truth and the blending of Christianity and nationalism together in such a way that distorts reality and creates confusion.  Like Limbaugh, Graham has rushed in and vocalized his prejudices without thinking first.  Perhaps these good people should return to their Bibles they so vehemently claim to rely upon and read again the words of James 1:19 - 21 which says:

"Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.  Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you."

It may also be helpful to turn to the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, when he said "Do not judge, or you too will be judged.  For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.  Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank that is in your own eye?  (Matthew 7: 1 - 3)".

Politics in this country has a long and shameful history of bitter campaigns and mudslinging.  Every four years I feel that we have reached new lows in ethical behavior, causing me to lose confidence in the American political system.  This year I am convinced we have fallen lower than ever before.  The backstabbing, the misrepresentation of facts, the hatred, the slander, the finger-pointing and general disrespect is simply nauseating.  And that's just in the Republican Primary!  I can't imagine what we will be forced to endure by the time September arrives.  Of course one of the key elements that are driving this fiasco is the introduction of the Super-PACs.  Their infusion of seemingly endless volumes of money together with the ability to speak on behalf of their candidate of choice without drawing that same candidate too closely into the fray has opened up a whole new realm of potential character assassinations.  There is so much to be said in critiquing the Super-PACs that I will save that topic for another day.

And so we plod along in this world of rearranged values.  Conservatives like Limbaugh wanting free access to pornography.  Evangelists like Graham switching from saving souls to practicing Islamic law.  A Catholic College President supporting a woman's effort to receive birth control pills.  What will they think of next?

Through it all there remain a few constants worth noting.

1.      A person's true character will be revealed by their own actions.  (Matthew 7:16 - 20;  Luke 6:43 - 45;  Galatians 5: 16 - 26;  James 3: 1 - 12).

2.      Human leaders will always disappoint but God's Truth endures forever.

3.      When it comes to Biblical interpretation let us begin with the Bible and draw conclusions from it rather than the other way around.

4.      This current culture of criticism must be destroyed before it destroys us.

As I said earlier, we do not need to agree with Sandra Fluke or anyone else for that matter.  In fact, it is healthy for society if we do not always agree.  But the one thing that makes this country great is the right granted to all persons to voice their opinion without being exposed to shame or verbal abuse.

On his website Mr. Limbaugh can be seen in a photo carrying an American flag over his shoulder.  Seemingly this is meant to portray him as the proud protector of American values.  Yet the First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the right for all persons to speak their mind - even Mr. Limbaugh.  Yes, painful as it may seem, Rush has the right to voice his opinion.  But he has no right to abuse a person while doing so.

Let's all try thinking a little before we 'Rush" in to speak!

G. D. Gehr, March 5, 2012
Comments invited below.
All Bible quotes are taken from the New International Version of the Holy Bible

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