Monday, March 7, 2011

Five Fickled Facts that Frustration Me

1. As I hear calls for the resignation of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and a "no-fly zone" over the troubled country I am struck by the oddity that the United States is calling for the established government to step aside and allow the rebel forces to redesign the country's future. 150 years ago on this side of the Atlantic we refused to do the same. Instead we stubbornly chose to engage in the bloodiest war ever to mar this continent in order to smash and destroy a rebel movement. It took four years to accomplish it, by the way.

2. Over $4 billion was spent on campaigning during the 2010 Mid-Term elections. Another $5+ billion was spent for the Presidential Election of 2008. That's a total of nearly $10 billion dollars burned on nauseating accusations and undocumented claims. This figure represents roughly twice as much money as what the Federal Government budgeted for the Department of Commerce in 2010. Hummm..... with priorities like that its no wonder the economy is precarious at best!

3. Oh how we have venerated the Statue of Liberty! It has nearly become an idol worthy of worship and devotion. Secured within the Harbor Lady's base are, in part, these words:
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Funny how we seemingly want to close our borders these days, and return selected immigrants who heeded the call quoted above but are now seen as taking away the dollars, the jobs, and assorted benefits that are rightfully ours! Too bad the Native Americans did not have a Statue of Liberty by which our forefathers could have justified their stripping this land away from its then-rightful owners.

4. EOE - - three letters that justify modern-day prejudices among business owners and managers. How many employment applications proudly display these letters: EOE. They stand for EQAUL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. Anyone who claims to subscribe to this business practice will, in theory, give equal consideration to a qualified person with a disability when such a person applies for an advertised job opening. Yet I am amazed how many of these same employers will not even grant the disabled applicant an interview. I have seen jobs that were advertised for three weeks or more after a qualified person applied, yet while the position remains unfilled, the applicant never received an invitation for an interview. Why? Certainly the presence of a disability did not help their chances. Perhaps EOE actually stands for EVERY OPPORTUNITY ERASED???

5. The Christian Faith was born of a sudden, radical, life-altering event named Pentecost. Ever since then preachers have begged and pleaded with sinners to change by accepted Christ as Savior and Lord. The Holy Spirit, the Ultimate Change Artist, is the power that propels the Church. Why, then, is the Church so resistant to Change???

Do you have any FICKELD FACTS that FRUSTRATE you? If so, please share them by clicking on the "comment" section below.

G. D. Gehr - March 7, 2011

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