Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's A Good START

For as often as I challenge and even criticize politicians let me offer praise where praise is due.  Kudos to the United States Senate for doing the right thing in passing the New START Treaty with Russia.  This treaty is essential in the efforts to make this planet a safer and more peaceful place.  Its a winning proposition for everyone.

The Treaty is far from perfect.  Nevertheless, it really is a good START (pun intended).  To begin with each side will have to reduce their respective arsenal of ready-to-launch warheads by nearly 30%.  In addition, the number of ballistic missiles will be cut in half.  Perhaps more importantly, for the first time in nearly a year both sides will again be able to verify each other's compliance with the treaty.

While we still have too many bombs - - far more than we will ever need - - it is good to celebrate steps that lead in the right direction.  Thank you to those Senators that understood the importance of this treaty.  In particular, thank you to the thirteen Republicans who put partisan politics aside and used their heads and their vote to do what they were elected to do:  namely, act in the best interests of the American people.  The final vote of 71 - 26 was a strong indication of the significance of this action. 

I would be remiss if I did not say this:  Shame on the 26 Senators - - all Republicans - - who voted NO!  What were they thinking?  How could they be so blinded by their stubborn, childish, and ignorant ideology that they would think it wise to vote FOR arms proliferation in this overly violent world?  In effect, that is what they did by casting a NO vote.  And while I am at it, where does Sarah Palin come off saying that the treay is not in the country's interests?  Then, too, there is Newt Gingrich, who declared the treaty to be an "obsolete approach that is a holdover from the Cold War".  Speaking of obsolete holdovers from the Cold War, has he looked in the mirror lately?

The ratification of this New START Treaty comes at a symbolically great time: three days before Christians around the world celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.  How odd that something so political could help me appreciate this religious holiday with renewed vigor!

The "Lame Duck" Excuse Is Just Lame

On another note, I understand that several Republican Congressmen are complaining that the Democratic Leadership, including President Obama, was wrong in pushing so much legislation through in the final weeks of the year.  Their reasoning goes like this:  Since the mid-term elections in early November this is now a "lame duck Congress".  Thus we should sit back and coast the rest of the way through to the end of the year and let the newly elected Congress deal with the tough issues.

What they mean in reality is something a bit different, however.  The above comments have been made only by certain Republican Senators and Representatives.  And while they lack the courage to say it openly they actually mean to say "Let's wait until we Republicans control the majority in the House and make significant gains in the Senate so we can have a stronger influence in the outcome of the voting."

Well it says here that such thinking "stinks to high heaven", to borrow a term from a now-deceased friend of mine.  Our members of Congress were duly elected to do a job and as long as Congress is in session I, for one, expect them to do it.  I do not pay these guys to sit around and smoke cigars, drink martinis, and do nothing while they are "on the clock".  I would be fired from my job if I did not fulfill my duties or was caught wasting time or watching the clock instead of producing some actual work.  In my opinion every member of Congress who criticized the agenda of these past few weeks deserves to be fired.
Unfortunately, that will have to wait another two years for most of these deadbeats.

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